SKOPE II Team Meeting

6-7 February 2017


The Graduate Hotel (conference hotel)
225 E Apache Boulevard, Tempe, AZ 85281, USA

Airport Shuttle: The Hotel operates an airport shuttle hourly 6AM-10PM; call when you arrive and they will be there about 15 minutes past the hour

Hotel and Meal Charges:  All travel expenses are covered by the grant you are operating under.  ASU has held the rooms on its account, but please give the hotel a credit card when you check in and pay for the room as well as any incidentals.

Location.  The Hotel is about a 15 minute walk north, and a bit east, from the SHESC building where will hold our meetings.  There is a bar and restaurant at the hotel.  Downtown Tempe with many bars and restaurants is also about a 15 minute walk to the north.


We will meet in the SHESC building (School of Human Evolution & Social Change), room 254.  If you come up the main steps and through the front door, turn right and then take a left down the hall.  Room 254 is at the end.  Please take care of your own breakfast.  We’ll try to arrange coffee and afternoon snacks.  We will have a group dinner Monday night (TBD)

Agenda (Tentative)

Monday February 6

8:30 Introductions and review of the agenda.
8:45 Getting Everyone on the Same Page 
Review and Discussion of Goals & Deliverables 
        Prototype demo/Reimplemented prototype (Adam, Tim M)
        Science Team objectives  (Tim K, Kyle, Andrew)
        Computer Science objectives (Bertram, Tim M.)10:00   Break
Functionality Discussion
10:15 Data Sources & Model Data Delivered [Proposal Table 1]
11:15 Researcher Interface (Environmental Data Delivery)
        Data Types (atemporal, spatialized time series, point samples)
        Data catalog & model registry selection
        Visualizations (map, graphical)
        Raw & aggregated data (& citation) Delivery
        Provenance query & reporting
11:45 Break for Lunch – Pitchforks & Corks
1:00 Researcher Interface, continued
2:00 Tinkerer Interface
2:30 Modeler Interface
        Data Catalog data & metadata ingest
        Model Registry model & metadata ingest
3:30 Break
4:00 Field Trip
7:00 Group Dinner

Tuesday, February 7

8:30 Architectural Requirements – Components, Processing, & Interactions
10:00 Break
10:15 Architecture, continued
11:45 Lunch – La Boca
1:00 System Management Issues & Discussion
2:00 Science model development
3:00 Break
3:15 Review & Discussion of Milestones by Quarter
4:00 Wrapping up and paper discussion
5:00 Adjourn


ASU Keith Kintigh, Adam Brin, Ann Kinzig, Sarah Oas

WSU Kyle Bocinsky, Andrew Gillreath-Brown, Timothy Kohler

UIUC Bertram Ludaescher, Tim McPhillips, Johnathan Rush, Jeff Terstriep, Shaowen Wang